Thursday, June 26, 2008


Hi Guys! I am making the instruction booklet for the "Albert St. Cookoff!" It is tight!!!!!!!I love it. And I know what I'm making! It's a chocolate crepe! They are delicious! I put a picture of what they're gonna look like but, if you can't see it so well!

Wednesday, June 11, 2008


Hi everyone! I am in Cozumel Mexico! Typing from a VERY HOT internet cafe. You all are probably having a good time in MN, but I am traveling around on boat! A bigggggg cruise boat. Called the Carnival Legand. I am having a great time accept for the pounding headache that I have. That headache was caused by my braided head. We have 2 more stops ahead of us. They are, Belize, and Isla Rotan. I hope you guys are having fun!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Hey! As you guys may, (or may not) know. I play the violin! It is sweet! We just played a concert. Our pieces were, Fanfare Allegro, Cello's Ole, and Themes From Harry Potter. My favorite piece was Harry Potter! Of course! If ya didn't know, I am sorta obsessed by Harry Potter. I have listened to probably a thousand times. Anyways, you all should play violin because it is pretty cool. I played a cool song called "Kanon In D." It goes like: Da-da-du-da, Da-da-da-da-da-duh, dum-da-du-dum, du-da-duha-da. And so on. If you could hear it, that would be cool.

My Little Cousin, Cohen!

My cousin Melanie came over with her 4 mo. old Cohen last night. He's such a cutie! He has the most adorable little hair! It's a mowhawk! I wish I had pics to show you all! Well, I would if I could get my computer to work! Haha! Very funny! He loved snuggling and walking around! When they left, I realized they had the dogs in the car. Gabby and Ruby barked so much! I thought Cohen would cry. But, he didn't he just smiled! I thought it was the cutest thing!

Cute Cousins! Pt. 2

Well, here's Nadia again! Trying to be a big girl on the chair!
Next, is Emmy looking up at something or other. She's always looking somewhere else!
3rd, Emmy is chewing on Great-Grandma Thun's ducky! Those two sure like their stuffed animals!
Last but not least is Nadia, looking all innocent chewing on her chiuhahua! 

My Cute Cousins! Pt. 1

The first one is my beautiful cousin Nadia.